Import guests - Body request
This endpoint allows sending a survey to a list of PMS guests by adding them to ReviewPro system.
Body request contains guest data and must be a list of json strings with the following fields:
- pmsId (string) (required) (must correspond to the source id of a product associtated to this surveyId)
- title (string) (optional)
- firstName (string) (optional)
- lastName (string) (optional)
- room (integer) (optional) (please note : this field can be a string in special occasions), in that case notify the account manager)
- country (2 letter string) (optional)
- checkin (date) (optional, format yyy-mm-dd)
- checkout (date) (required, format yyyy-mm-dd)
- language (2 letter string) (required, ISO code)
- email (string) (required)
- market (string) (optional)
- reservationSource (string) (optional)
- reservationSourceName (string) (optional)
- companyReservation (boolean) (optional)
- company (string) (optional)
- agent (string) (optional)
- loyaltyMember (boolean) (optional)
- loyaltyId (string) (optional)
- roomType (string) (optional)
- currency (string) (optional)
- roomPrice (real) (optional)
- roomRevenue (real) (optional)
- foodRevenue (real) (optional)
- otherRevenue (real) (optional)
- totalRevenue (real) (optional)
- guestType (string) (optional)
- extraFields (json string) (optional) (this json string can contain any number of pairs "field": "string value")
[ { "pmsId": "TER034", "firstName": "Golan", "lastName": "Trevize", "room": "112", "checkin": "2017-02-27", "checkout": "2017-03-04", "language": "en", "email": "", "extraFields": { "alias": "Lightning Rod" } } ]